Feb 28, 2019
Debian is well known due to its stability, but it has a price: usually the packages available on the stable repository are a bit old.
Debian Stretch is currently the stable version and the puppet agent package available is 4.8.2-5 beside the version 6.3 already available.
So, if you want to use a newer version is necessary to use the repository provided by Puppet Labs, they provide a .deb package that can be downloaded following the URL naming convention:
Therefore, to download the Puppet 6 package for Debian 9 Stretch we can run:
wget https://apt.puppetlabs.com/puppet6-release-stretch.deb
curl https://apt.puppetlabs.com/puppet6-release-stretch.deb -o puppet6-release-stretch.deb
Then, we can install it using the dpkg command:
sudo dpkg -i puppet6-release-stretch.deb
After that we can update the package information and install the agent version 6:
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install puppet-agent
Note that the package from PuppetLabs is named puppet-agent, and the package from the Debian repository is just puppet. To confirm the installed version we can use the dpkg-query command:
dpkg-query -W puppet-agent